
Jan 13, 20206 min

Protests In Iran


At the above and below of this article I am linking a New Story that I hope everyone reads, it is about the Protests that are taking place in Iran due to the Plane that Iran openly fired upon and destroyed killing over 100 passengers, including many from Canada. The reason I am linking this specific New Story is because it shows you very clearly what the people of Iran believe and how they feel about their own Government.

This plane was shot down immediately after Iran launched their weak attempt at retaliation for the US Government's strike against Soleimani one of Iran's top Military officials killing him. I wrote more extensively about my view on that matter here. After America killed Soleimani I watched as my TV was flooded with many people speaking about how terrible it was that Trump ordered the attack. I watched as my Facebook feed was littered with people and news articles of Leftists crying about how Iran is such a great country, that Soleimani was a Great Leader, and that Iran was going to Nuke us all off the face of the map.

Weak back celebrities along with their fellow sheep followers got on their platforms and asked forgiveness from the Iranian Government, saying they don't stand with Trump or the Government that attacked Iran. Essentially what I watched was a bunch of pathetic people stand up and state that America is in the wrong and that Iran was in the right. And today, that is why I am linking this specific News Story.

I want everyone to see exactly what type of Government and type of Officials you are weeping for, I want to show you exactly what the actual people of Iran feel towards the Government that has been holding them hostage for 40 years. I also want to be clear about my feelings on Iran, which may not have been properly expanded upon in my last article and post.

As for my feelings on Iran, I want to say that I absolutely believe that there is a complete and total distinction between the Government of Iran, and the People of Iran. Unlike in America and other Democratic Governments, where the Leaders are for the most part representative of the People, the Government and Officials of Iran in absolutely no way represent anything to do with the Iranian People. It is my belief and view that of all of the Muslim Nations in the Middle East that the Iranian People are without a doubt the MOST Democratic Idealistic Peoples in the area.

I believe with zero doubts that regardless of the Propaganda they are drowning in from their State nor from the Propaganda we have been deluded with here in America concerning Iran, that the actual Peoples of Iran would be 100% willing and actually desire to have a Democratic Government such as we have in America. Not only do I believe this but the article linked shows you just how open the actual People are to the Ideologies of Freedom that America stands upon.

That being said, as I separate the actual Peoples of Iran from the Government of Iran, I say with no uncertain terms that I believe the Government, the Officials and the State of Iran to be absolutely and totally Evil. Don't get me wrong, I am not one that believes that the American Government is some wonderful entity that doesn't have blood on it's hands and as this Blog progresses I am sure I will write out my full indictment against the American Governments guilt as I see they are guilty of. However what I must state is that I believe the fundamental Ideologies that the American Government are built upon while not perfect are infinitely Greater than that of Iran. To me it is night and day the Ideologies inherent in America and that of Iran. While America is Evil in it's own applications on many things, I believe that Iran is complete and pure Evil, there is absolutely nothing Good within its Government.

I could explain further and I am sure one day I will, but in this article what I wish to address is how Iran is handling its current situation. The fact of how they are acting towards its own People shows clearly that this Government is 100% Evil. It also shows that absolute and total ignorance of all these Leftist SJW who type furiously on their $1000 iPhones made in sweatshops bought via their work in a Capitalist Society, who are out here crying about the Evils of America while condoning the life of a murderer and uplifting a horrific Government that is LITERALLY murdering people for doing what these idiots are doing. Speaking out against their Government.

That is right, the linked article shows videos of people being beaten, people being attacked, people being shot, and people dying, why? Because these people are speaking out against their Government murdering innocent civilians on that plane a few days ago. These intelligent, “woke” Iranian people, they are actually LIVING under true tyranny and when they speak out about LEGIT Evilness of their Officials, they don't get to go back home and type on their iPhones drinking Seattle's best Leftist brew coffee and IPA’s, no they get beaten, shot, murdered and will now worry if their Government will track them down and arrest them.

What I would give, if we could deport you Leftist cry babies, send you to these Socialistic Nations, to these Nations you hold on a pedestal and trade you for the real Iranian people, for the real protesters in Hong Kong, who hold up American Flags in Protest against their repressive regimes. What a better America we would be if we could bring in people who know what real tyranny is, who would and do die to come to this flawed but infinitely better Nation that is built upon actual Freedoms. Freedoms these Leftists are trying day after day to destroy in hopes of turning America into the hellhole Nations they lift up like China and Iran.

Read that article and tell me that Iran is a Government you want to go live under. Read that article and tell me that the Nation you live in is somehow oppressing you. Read that article and then realized all the crap the Left is protesting about, is literally only afforded to them because they live in such a Great Nation with Ideals that let them Freely express themselves without worry of Government intervention or worse attack. That is until these Leftists gain hold of the Nation and then we will watch as anyone who doesn't abide by their Leftist Ideologies are censored, shouted down and if they take the control they really want, are hunted down, beaten and murdered, just like the Evil Governments of Iran and China.

What needs to be done today is for us as a People to shine a light on these Leftists instead of cowering and being afraid to speak out about the indoctrination that is happening via Media and Universities. You need to actually educate your children about what the Left upholds and what they desire to do to this Country and the World, because I can assure you that any School you send them too is NOT going to teach them the Truth.

We need to speak out on their hypocrisy, expose their Ideologies for they are and do as I am doing and as the New Article linked is doing and show them the real world. Show them real oppression by Leftist Governments, show them what is awaiting them if they follow the indoctrination and propaganda being pushed on them from their favorite celebrities and their professors and teachers.

I hope you join me, using the Gifts God has given you, to wake up those around you, to the best of your ability about where we as a Nation and Society is heading. What I can tell you is that in the past 10 years our Society has been running straight downhill and veering exceedingly Left and I can tell you that there is 100% correlation to those directions. The more Left we go, the further downhill our Society will head, it is up to us to try and fix the direction we are heading.

Let’s call out the Evils of the Iranian Government and let us support the Peoples of Iran who without a doubt would be the most Capitalistic, Democratic Nation in the Region if only their awful Government were not continually oppressing them. Here is too a Free Iran…


Daciple Politico pulling down Strong Holds and Freeing Minds one post at a time...
