
Jan 8, 201910 min

The Iran Situation

Well what a time to start a Political Blog and Facebook page eh? There has been many different things going on in our Society over the past few years but I would have to say that none has had the potential of truly shifting the World as the current situation we find ourselves in with the Iran Situation. What has happened in the past few weeks had the potential to literally change the course of History and truly affect our daily lives. As of today, Wednesday January 8th, it seems that at the moment the situation didn't blow up into the History making, life changing Armageddon that has been blasted all over my FB Feed and the Mainstream Media.

Here is my take on what has happened and response to the rather massive Left Wing ideology and talking points I see being propagated on the Mainstream Media and on my Personal Facebook Page. To be clear, I am not a Trump supporter, I do not subscribe to the usual Left Right Paradigm and I did not vote for him in 2016. With that said I also am not a Trump hater, which is what the Mainstream Media and much of my Personal Facebook Page is inundated with. People whose hatred of Trump, for the various ideologies pushed by the Leftist Media, that has so enraged them, they can not see things with clear vision or have the ability to rationalize their positions or speak on the actions of the President without their hate and vitriol oozing forth with every word and sentence.

I will be honest here, prior to Trump running I absolutely loathed the Political System of America. I believed (and still do to a rather high degree) that the 2 party system is simply a farce and Political Theater, hoping to offer people the false pretense of a choice to have people fall in-line with an already predetermined Political Agenda. Having this false security of a 2 party system makes people feel they had a say in what is going to happen and thus regardless of the outcome, we can't truly be upset because the “will of the people” had been carried out. Then came Trump, a man who was obviously hated by both the Left and Right Political Parties. I watched during the run up to the 2016 elections as both Democrats and Republicans did basically everything they could to prevent him from winning the Primary.

I watched the Dems and Repubs, almost stop their hate for one another and eye the common enemy, Trump and along with the Media attack him on every side and aspect possible in hopes to overthrow his attempt at even running for President let alone actually win the Presidency itself. Then I watched as he steam rolled everyone in his path to win the Republican Nomination, and saw slowly the Republicans slowly and begrudgingly endorse and get behind him in his bid for the actual Presidency. I have never in my life witnessed a candidate be so hated on both sides of the aisle, to a point that even that persons own Party was actively and blatantly trying to sabotage and derail that candidates attempt at winning.

I did watch in the past as the Republicans constantly derailed and sabotaged Ron Paul year after year, but unfortunately he never had the same impact or attention that Trump was receiving so the sabotage wasn't as blatant. By that I mean, usually Ron Paul was simply laughed off the stage and ignored, whereas Trump wasn't able to be laughed off and ignored and once he gained enough attention and support we were able to literally watch both Republican and Democrats go all out in their attempts to stop his Campaign.

It was this fact that truly caught my attention concerning Trump, and I stood shocked and in awe when he won the Presidency. Hilary was a 100% lapdog for the Globalist Agenda that I believe those in the Political Elite are wanting to see the World go in, I 100% believed that she was pre-chosen to win and that Trump not only didn't have a chance, but was allowed to run against her for that specific reason. He was put against her because he SHOULD have been the Canadated that was the least likely to beat the life long Politician who literally was running on the Platform that the Globalist Elites are without a doubt pushing on the World.

When he won it made me question many things, which I am not going to get into at this moment but hope to write about in the future. Trump should have lost, he doesn't line up at all with the clear Globalist Agenda that has been pushed on us for my entire life and most notably via Bush and his made up Wars against boogie men and Obamas continuance of that along with his Leftist Culture Marxism he enacted during his Presidency. Since he has won, I have sat back and watched as the Media has run a never ending smear campaign against him the likes I have never witnessed in my life.

Not with Reagan, not with Bush Sr, not with Clinton, not with Bush Jr and definitely not with Media Darling Obama have I witnessed the Media be so blatantly Anti-President. The Leftist Hatred is seething day in and day out against Trump, so much so that it has caused me, a person who rejected the ideology of the 2 Party Political System to be forced to enter into it and choose a side. I believe I am not the only one that has reacted to this clear Agenda and Propaganda this way either, it is my personal opinion that the overreaction of the Media with literally everything Trump does, has caused and will continue to cause anyone who was outside or on the fence to be forced to the Right.

If your on the Left, the fake outrage just emboldens your position, but those of us that were neither Left or Right can see the insanity for what it is and literally have no choice but to go Right because the Anti Trump rhetoric is so blatant and obvious that we have nowhere else to go. Either you are a Radical Leftist who loves Communism and Marxism and hates everything Trump, or you have no other place to go but to the Right.

I know that was a rather long tangent but I just wanted to give you an understanding of how my perspective of Politics has been changed over the past few years and show that I am not a Trump supporter but I also am not a Trump hater. I am trying to be as objective as I can in the midst of the Radical Leftist Agenda that is being pushed onto our Society via the Media and “Higher” Education.

So back to the original programming, the Iran Situation.

From my understanding we witnessed Iran carry out an attack our Embassy in Iraq, and Trump responded in 2 ways. First he did what a President OUGHT to do which is to send help immediately to those who were in trouble, and he did so quickly and efficiently. We saw the contrast of Trumps actions in sending help vs Obama and Hilary in Benghazi where they ignored ON PURPOSE the cries of those in Libya in American Government facilities. Their reaction or should I say non action resulted in 2 Americans being murdered by Islamic Radicals. The Obama Administration's actions afterwards are also in stark contrast to how Trump has acted in response to the attack by Iran on our Embassy.

I am not sure if people remember but the Obama Administration not only didn't respond with force or use of Military in retaliation to Islamic Radicals murdering Americans in Government facilities in Libya, they blamed a stupid video as the reason why the attacked happened. In case you don't remember or believe me here is what Clinton stated in response to Benghazi when it happened:

Clinton: Some have sought to justify this vicious behavior as a response to inflammatory material posted on the Internet. The United States deplores any intentional effort to denigrate the religious beliefs of others. Our commitment to religious tolerance goes back to the very beginning of our nation. But let me be clear: There is never any justification for violent acts of this kind.


Trump however acknowledged that it was a Terrorist attack, sent help to immediately resolve the situation and protect those in harm's way and then did what ANY country would and sadly OUGHT to do when their Embassy is attacked by another Nation or Entity. That is to strike back, and strike back Trump did, killing one of Iran's top officials Major General Qassem Soleimani. Of course immediately after this response the Leftist Media began to denounce the move and also began to ring the Death Bells of an oncoming Global Conflict, saying Trump has just hit the Doomsday Button and started Armageddon.

While I can understand the worry of starting a War with Iran, and fully understand that a Major Conflict with Iran could launch us into WW3, first off why would anyone be denouncing Trump in this situation? Again not a Trump fan per say, and I personally am 100% against War unless Troops literally come onto American soil, but how exactly should a President of ANY Nation react when their Embassy is attacked? It was IRAN that started the situation, I just do not understand why there is almost NO outrage against the perpetrators of the attack against the Embassy?

Second if you attack an Embassy then retaliation is eminent plain and simple. It is just the same as if someone were to start shooting at a Police Station, what do you expect to happen? Should the Police sit back and do nothing? Of course not, if I blow up and shoot a Police Station, then I am going to have the full force of the Police come after me, more than likely resulting in death or harm of me and if I am in an organization that planned this, then my organization and those members in it are now likely to be arrested or killed for their involvement.

It's basic common sense, you strike at our Embassy then we are going to attack members of the organization that attacked us. There should be no outrage against Trump for his actions, what he did is exactly what a leader of Country OUGHT to do. If Australia blew up Canada's Embassy then I would expect Canada to attack and possibly kill members of the Australian Government, plain and simple. Trump struck hard with the intent of sending a message, don't attack America and not expect a retaliation that brings lasting results against you.

That message has been received not only by Iran but by the World at large.

In the past, THAT was already inherent for America, you don't attack America because they are going to bring the big guns at you. Sadly in the past 20 years, especially in the past decade our Military Strength had been diminished and the World was no longer looking at us as a Military might. Trump has with this strike and situation brought America back into the light of being the Worlds Strongest Military.

The positivity of that is for another discussion, but the fact is, how Trump acted is exactly how a President ought to act in response to an attack against it's Embassy. I can not like it, but that doesn't mean I don't understand it nor does it mean that I think Trump is wrong, he wasn't and isn't. Then we witnessed Iran respond to losing one of it's top commanders by launching it's own strike against Military bases in Iraq. Again I am seeing the massive Lefist Bias deluge our Media.

Let's be real here, America punched Iran in the face and left it with a concussion, missing teeth, black eyes and a broken nose that will be crooked for the rest of its life. Iran responded with a spitball. That however is not what we see in the Media now do we?

Nope, first the Media calls Major General Qassem Soleimani all sorts of positive names instead of denouncing the man for what he really was, a murderous monster and outright terrorist, then they make it out that Iran is some major military might that is going to destroy America as we watch these Liberal Elites bow to them, apologizing to them begging for them not to hurt America. The Media also tried to make their response out to be something significant, it wasn't and it isn't. It was pathetic in comparison to losing one of the highest ranking military officials in the Government.

Finally we see Trump's actions in response to their Missile Attack, what does he do? He basically laughs at Iran and acknowledges that this was a weak response and instead of acting aggressively he puts the breaks on everything and guess what we see from the Leftist Media and Leftist individuals? That somehow this is Trump admitting to being scared or that Trump has been punked out.

I have someone on my Personal Page that has been running their mouth for the whole week about how terrible it is that Trump dare respond with force against Iran, that we are entering WW3, that is taunting everyone saying sign up your kids for Trump's War, blah blah blah and then when Trump puts the breaks on the situation, showing restraint, now that same man is mocking Trump calling him a punk. Just like this Leftist Media.

What exactly do you people want from Trump?

He’s a monster for reacting APPROPRIATELY to Iran attacking our Embassy, but he is also a Punk for NOT launching us into WW3? Would you like to have seen him drop a nuke on Iran? Maybe he should have enacted the draft and sent a few hundred thousand troops to Iraq as a show of force? Maybe he should of started a new bombing campaign?

It is absolute nonsense and illogic that permeates the mind of these Leftist and the Media. Trump handled the situation as best as can be expected. Now if he would have done nothing and let people die in the Embassy while it was under attack, then we could call him a Punk.

If he sent millions of dollars in the middle of the night to the people who arranged the attack, well then I could agree with you that he is a Punk, but he didn't do either of those things, that would be Obama and his Administration who did those things, why? Because he is and they were and still are the true Punks.

I don't condemn Trump for how he handled the situation, in fact I am rather impressed, personally I was worried that this would lead to a much bigger conflict because I figured Trump would want to exercise his bravado to a much larger degree. Instead he retaliated in a way to send the correct message a President ought to about messing with his country and then showed restraint when he has ALL RIGHT to further escalate the situation because again Iran attacked first and now a second time.

Lets hope there is no further escalation and this can be put behind us. So here is to the next new outrage the Leftist Media will create when Trump wakes up tomorrow and forgets to say gesundheit when Melania sneezes…

Daciple Politico pulling down Strong Holds and Freeing Minds one post at a time...
