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Tom MacDonald - "Fake Woke"

Tom MacDonald - "Fake Woke"



Tom mac Donald

The Artist of the Month for August is Tom Mac Donald. Recently been hailed as a Politically Controversial Rapper, but I guess anyone who doesnt 100% tow the Leftist playbook is Controversial.


Got hip to him when he battled my dude, Mac Leathal. I saw a picture of Tom and thought he looked like a clown and couldnt possibly keep pace with Leathal. How wrong I was, and Tom definitely fits the lesson of don't judge a book by its cover!!


    Check my man out!!!

Tom MacDonald - "No Response"
Tom MacDonald - "I Hate Hip Hop"
No Lives Matter
Tom MacDonald - "Dear Rappers"
Tom MacDonald - "Everybody Hates Me"
Tom MacDonald - 'Exposure"
Tom MacDonald - "WHITEBOY"

These are some of my most favorite Christian Artists that I have come to put on regular rotation. 

I'm The Problem ~ Timothy Brindle feat Shai Linne [ Lyrics in the description ]

I'm The Problem ~ Timothy Brindle feat Shai Linne [ Lyrics in the description ]

Track#5: I'm The Problem feat Shai Linne Album: The Restoration Release Date: 07/24/2012 Purchase: Youtube video compiled by: Greis V. Lyrics: featuring shai linne and Pastor Lance Lewis produced by Wit of iQwit Music verse 1- Instead of making excuses and blaming when you sin, face it the truth is: say, "I'm The Problem"/ My heart's sick as a leper, my biggest dilemma/ is the sin in the center of me: "I'm The Problem"/ Yo I'm stubborn and stiff-necked, loving what's wicked, the Judge I don't respect, cuz: "I'm The Problem"/ and it isn't our spouses, though kids are a challenge, their sinning is countless, but: "I'm The Problem"/ it can't be solved by modern psychology/ and our problem is NOT THE ECONOMY!/ or stopping the poverty/ it's that often we wanna be God in our awful autonomy/ it's not my health, or my loss of wealth, but rather that my favorite god is self/ my problem's ME, and my idolatry, and my folly to not see Christ as ALL I NEED! hook 1: My biggest problem, is not thinking I'm my biggest problem/ we do this thing so often/ the heart of the matter is my heart is the matter/ God's image in me is marred and it's shattered (2x) ("The sin inside of me is the worst of all diseases!") verse 2- Totally jacked up through and through/ yo, and it's wack cuz I'm just doing what humans do/ truthfully at the root of you is a ruined dude/ in deep need of One who's able to renew/ my biggest problem is these wretched cravings/ and passions and pleasures that detest the Great King/ is our deepest need education?/ or that our whole soul needs complete restoration!/ my biggest problem isn't this traffic jam/ but anger at God and how I lash at man/ you say we have innocence/ but our biggest problem isn't even being sinned against/ but how I respond to their sin, cuz how I long for revenge, shows: I'm just as awful as them/ my problem's my pride/ I can't see clearly/ hold up-- yo--I got this log in my eye hook 2: My biggest problem, is not thinking I'm my biggest problem/ we do this thing so often/ the heart of the matter is my heart is the matter/ God's image in me is marred and it's shattered/ instead of pride that leaves you bitter/ say, "O God, be merciful to me, a sinner!"/ but once I surrender with my hands up/ and say, "I'm The Problem" then I'm ready for the answer. ("What's the answer? Christ crucified! Christ Crucified!") verse 3- (by shai linne) If I'm the problem, Christ is the solution Praise be to God for His priceless substitution The mountain is steep indeed- we can't climb it But God decided to meet our deepest need We like to dance around the truth like Alvin Ailey But God gets down to the roots like Alex Haley I'm looking outside of myself externally When all the while the fire of hell is burning in me Sin's grievous and heinous, deceives us and taints us It leaves us in pain with lesions, abrasions Jesus is famous for bleeding with anguish So we can be stainless with no need to blame-shift In sincerity whenever we're in error It's imperative we remember the sin bearer So if it hurts when you see you're your worst enemy Look to the perfect Remedy who took your curse and penalty! Hook 3: My biggest problem, is not thinking I'm my biggest problem/ we do this thing so often/ the heart of the matter is my heart is the matter/ God's image in me is marred and it's shattered/ but by faith Christ restored our condition/ we're justified, which means we're more than forgiven/ so now Jesus restores our condition, transforming us till conformed in His Image

These are some of my most favorite Secular Artists, ranging in genre from Hip Hop to Classic Rock and everything in between.

NF - Leave Me Alone
dead prez - Hip Hop (Digital Video)
Rolling Stones - Wild Horses
Kanye West - Jesus Walks (Version 2)
Nas - One Mic (Official HD Video)
Guns N' Roses - Patience
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