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This is the story of how Daciple Inc came to pass but first let me introduce myself, my name is Justin, I was born in 1979 and raised in a small suburb outside of Cincinnati Ohio. I was raised by 2 hard working parents, Terry and Janet who did everything in their power to make sure I was given a wonderful childhood with the best possible opportunities they could afford to give me. 

Unfortunately I didn't take full advantage of all of the opportunities that I had at my fingertips, and while I may look back at some of those missed opportunities with regret, the fact is, everything good and bad, lost and found has brought me to this point where I am at now and has served as the basis for the inspiration of this site and everything that has and will go into it. 

I love my life and am thankful for all that I have been blessed to see and do, for all the people I have met and those who have impacted me along this journey. It is each experience and each person that has driven me to reach down and grasp on to the things that motivate me day in and day out. They are the ones that bring out my inspiration. They are the helpers and the creators of everything this site is founded for and founded upon.

I have had it on my heart for years to create a site, a place where I can express my passions, to be creative, to give to others what God pours into me thru His Word, His Church and the meeting of others. Finally after wrestling with doubt and fear I have taken this step of Faith and made this site, where I hope to pour out my heart and soul, bear it all in hopes of walking out the Ministry God has opened and given to me and above all, inspiring others to participate and follow what God has for them as well.

The site is broken up into 3 main pages, each functioning as the ground floor for the areas in life I am most passionate about as well as a Forum where I hope others will congregate to discuss with me the things that drive them. The first and most important page, the one in which I am most passionate about is Daciple Ministries. This page serves as the hub where I discuss everything to do with my Faith. It has a section with Posts from my blog where I write out what God has shown me in His Word. It also contains a section of videos as I turn some of things God has laid on my heart into videos, preaching the Gospel, and teaching from the Word. And lastly there is a section where I am uploading all of the Live Recording of my Church so others can join in with us Worshiping, Praying, Preaching and Serving our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 

I was on a different site, it is a Conspiracy Site where everything under the sun is discussed and I have been writing on that site for almost a decade now. It is while I was on that site, after discussing with other people, that God put it on my heart to start a thread which I entitled Daciple Ministries. It occurred to me at that time that there are hundreds, if not thousands, possibly millions of people that have some sort of understanding of God but either have been turned off to the Church, don't have the ability to make it, or there simply are not any legitimate good Churches in their area. So I began that thread to reach out to those who didn't have a full grasp of God, who weren't able or didn't have a real Church in their area to attend. From that meager beginning has sprung this site, my Facebook page and my Youtube page, all in hopes of sharing the Gospel with those who may not be able to hear it otherwise.

The second section of the site is Daciple Politico, which serves as a hub to speak about everything related to Politics. Ever since I can remember I have always had an interest in Politics, and as I have aged I have formed a Political perspective that is far removed from the average person. It has been shaped by my upbringing, years of independent research and a unique outlook on events mixed with Biblical knowledge. For years I have been afraid to express my Political viewpoints, afraid I would offend others, afraid others would judge me, from both the Secular and the Church World. I have held my tongue as I have watched the Political Landscape change from bad to worse to terrible.

I feel I can no longer stay silent in expressing my views on these events and subjects. While I have no desire to outright offend anyone with my perspectives, I can no longer allow fear to cause me to be quiet. There is a quote attributed to Edmund Burke, included by John F Kennedy in a speech in 1961 that says " “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” I can no longer do nothing, I dont know if speaking my heart and soul concerning these things will affect much, it may not, but it is the thing I can do, that I must do going forward in order to be true to myself. 

The third section of this site is Daciple Music, which serves as a hub to share with others my love of music. Like my other passions, Faith and Politics, I have had a passion for Music since I can remember. I was raised to appreciate the Music of my parents generation, listening to all the Classics from the Beatles, to the Doors, to Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin. I also watched as Grunge took the World by storm when I was a teenager and was entranced by the bands that exploded at that time. Whether it was the prominent Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Stone Temple Pilots or Rage Against The Machine I was drenching my eardrums in it. 

Then came the rise of the genre of music that I fell the most in love with, the type of music that influenced me the most, that changed everything for me, Hip Hop. My first Album was Snoop Dogg Doggystyle, and I listened to that till the tape fell apart. I loved the beats, the rhymes, the story telling, the messages, I was into it all. I would drown myself in every type of Hip Hop, every aspect of the Culture I could, whether it was Run DMC or the Beastie Boys, whether it was Slick Rick or KRS-One, whether it was 2pac or Nas, Master P or Common, Gangsta or Conscious whatever it was I was down and would blast it all day long. 

From Hip Hop I discovered my passion for Poetry, to the desire to want to turn those Poems into songs. It was from this place that the moniker Daciple came from, it was my "stage name" when I was in a little group way back in the day. I can remember trying to figure out a name that encompassed who I was and what I was about, and nothing captured my essence as much as Daciple. It was not only the obvious play on Disciple, which harkens back to my Faith, but it was also an anagram. Disciples Are Continually Influencing Peoples Living Existence. 

I was a follower of Jesus Christ, and I wanted to have a name that stood for more than just a title, that represented what I truly desired for myself and others and that is to be a vessel of change. I wanted to change peoples perspectives, change peoples lives, to change peoples destination. I wanted to challenge the status quo, whether that is from the viewpoint of Popular Culture or the Counter Culture either perspective, I challenged myself in my views and wanted to lead others to do the same for themselves. 

If one calls themselves a Disciple of anything then it ought to be inherent in their nature to influence people, to be an agent of change, to lead people in the area in which they have become a Disciple in. We are to continually influence people, change their lives, give them or show them a purpose for their existence. 

And that is the hope for this site, to be that force of inspiration, to be that agent of challenge to move people to become their true selves. It is through my three main passions that I hope to reach people, to inspire people, to grab hold of people, to bring out passion and give to them the wisdom, knowledge, love, joy, caring, that I have found in my experiences, studies and mostly from the Grace and Mercy that God has poured out upon me. 

And finally I have created the Forums, a place that others can express their viewpoints, their ideas, their hopes and dreams. It is my aspiration that we can join together as a community to discuss the topics I have made the three pillars of this site, but not only that but whatever it is that others want to speak about, whatever is on their hearts and minds. 

As I mentioned before I have been an avid voice on another forum for the better part of a decade, and it has been through that site that I have come to gain much knowledge of the many topics I love to discuss. I love and support debate (preferably within confines of mutual respect) when done healthy it will cause us to grow and learn and understand different perspectives from our own. Even if in our debates we are not all switching to the opposite perspective, if you want to present yourself as knowledgeable in engaging those across the aisle, then you must become familiar with their ideologies. 

I've debated people on the opposite side of my views on almost a daily basis and it is in that challenge of debate that I was forced to not only study out their ideas to better engage them, but I was also forced to rethink, to recalculate my own perspectives. What did I really believe, why did I believe it? Was it something I came to on my own or was I influenced by another, raised in that ideology and therefore stuck in that way and method of thinking?

Since debates and sharing my perspective on a Forum has been a tool used to shape who I am, and how I have come to understand and formula many of my ideas and beliefs, I felt it was necessary to create a Forum here as well, hoping others will join in, learn, debate, and challenge one another and especially themselves as to what it is and why it is they believe as they believe. 

So that is my story, that is from where the site has originated, and why it is I have created the site. I am hoping and praying that the site lives up to its name, to continually influence peoples living existence. I also am hoping that you contribute to the site along with me, that we can make this a community as we all give with the unique talents that God has equipped us all with. 

Please enjoy the site, if you have any questions, suggestions or need help in anyway please feel free to reach out via the emails on the bottom of the site or the contact chat and I promise that I will try and answer and do the best that I can to help. However even if I can not help, I know the person who can, the man Jesus Christ!!!

I love you all, have a blessed and wonderful day!!









Mark 16:15 And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

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